Melissa and Joey’s Halloween Special 2015

It looks like our beloved ABC Family’s Melissa and Joey is back! Even if it is for just one episode.

It is really great to see this series come back, after such a long time of nothing. And in a way, it makes you think if they could do a Halloween Special and release it so quickly, why haven’t they been able to continue with the episodes?

Either way, let’s just say Joe (Joey Lawrence) really changed. He is far too blonde and had this strange beard that makes him look way past thirty. Mel (Melissa Joan Hart) looks pretty much the same and so does Lennox (Taylor Spreitler): and it was great to see all the characters back together. One thing I think was very cheeky was, they cheated us on Ryder! (Nick Robinson)

I thought it was lousily directed, poorly scripted and horrendously edited.

If you watch carefully, we never see his face, and at end when he says something, it almost sounds robotic. Sounds to me like it was all done in editing, perhaps because they couldn’t get Robinson to be there for the shoot? I’ll admit, if it truly isn’t him, then it was a pretty slick, I’ll give you that.

Beside seeing the cast again, I was a little disappointed. I understand that they were trying to be funny and play on the idea that Melissa Joan Hart played Sabrina the Teenage Witch when she was younger, so they brought that plot back to this show as well as Beth Broderick; but it didn’t work for me. I thought it was lousily directed, poorly scripted and horrendously edited (especially when it came to the ‘Dark Lord’s eyes). In case you didn’t know, however, turns out Melissa Joan Hart directed this one. As much as I love her, she should stick to acting.

Personally, I wasn’t very impressed, and that’s saying a lot because I normally love this show: I mean, it won first place in my ABC Family TV Show battle!

I give it 2.5 stars.

I think they could have done much better, and not created something so cliché and incredibly cheesy, but hey, gotta admit: I love the twist on using a spell app instead of a wand. Laughed a little there.


But as always, that’s only a one eyed view.

What did you think?

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